Mounted Photograph of Vasanta Hall.
Brief description
Black and white photograph of the interior of Vasanta Hall.
Vasanta Hall is the home of the Theosophical Society and their motto, 'There is no religion higher than truth', is visible on the wall. The Theosophical Society in Letchworth was founded in 1905 and a number of influential residents in the town were Theosophists or had an interest in the movement, including Miss Hope Rea, Mr Loftus Hare, Edmund Hunter and Frank Merry. In 1914 the money was raised for Vasanta Hall, for use by both the Freemasons and the Theosophical Society. It was designed by W H Cowlishaw who also built The Cloisters. It was only ever intended to be a temporary building but plans for a larger building were never fulfilled. Today it still serves the Theosophical and Spiritualist communities.
Object name
Production person
Brunt, Donald W
Production date
sepia-toned bromide
Content description
View of a room with several rows of chair arranged towards a low stage at the back of the space. There are several items on the stage including a chair and some framed images.
Content place
Commerce Avenue
Vasanta Hall
Vasanta Hall
Associated persons
Rea, Hope
Hare, W.L
Hunter, Edmund
Merry, Frank
Besant, Annie
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna (Madam)
Hare, W.L
Hunter, Edmund
Merry, Frank
Besant, Annie
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna (Madam)
Associated organisations
The Cloisters
Letchworth Camera Club
Letchworth Camera Club