Photograph of Dorothea Hunter and St Edmundsbury Weaving Works employees.
Brief description
Sepia tint postcard of St. Edmundsbury Weaving Works interior with employees. Dorothea Hunter is seated in the centre.
Curator's comments
Dorothea Hunter first visited Letchworth, with her husband Edmund, to view the 1905 Cheap Cottages Exhibition. Impressed by the opportunities in the new Garden City, they decided to move their business, the St. Edmundsbury Weaving Works there, from Haslemere, Surrey. The new factory building was created on Ridge Road, and their family home on Sollershott West. The Hunters were known as fair employers, providing staff with good working conditions and allowing them paid holiday. Dorothea was fond of poetry and mysticism and was responsible for some of the Garden City’s early pageants.
Associated organisations
St Edmundsbury Weaving Works