Photograph of 21st anniversary party for Women's Lunch Club
Brief description
Black and white photograph of 21st Anniversary of Letchworth Women's Lunch Club, containing the President and Founder Members, 1931 - 1952. On the reverse are the names of the women in the photo. Included in the photograph is Mrs. Parker, President Mrs. Wagstaff, and other women with the surnames Spinks, WArren, Pugh, Russel, Ryan, Bramwell, Hull, Hunter, Thompson, MacFadyen, Staley, Bird, Davis, Heekford, Brook and Brotchie amongst others.
Content activity
group portrait
Content date
Content event
Group photograph
Curator's comments
Part of a collection of certificates, notebooks, press cuttings, photographs and other material relating to Barry Parker.
Associated persons
Parker, Barry
Parker, Mabel Mrs
Parker, Mabel Mrs
Associated organisations
Letchworth Womens' Luncheon Club