Spirella roof terrace
Brief description
Digital accession, scanned from the original sepia tint photographic postcard, which shows a group photograph of Spirella workers on the Spirella factory roof terrace. The photograph shows ten women and one man in three rows; the back standing, the middle sitting on chairs, and the front sat on the floor. The back of the postcard has also been scanned and has a handwritten note reading 'Spirella - on roof terrace. Gardener - Mr Curtis (who made plant pots'. The woman on the left of the front row appears to be Mary Phyllis Silver (m. Lowry). Probably dates to c. 1932. Part of a collection of items relating to the history of the Silver - Lowry family. See documentation tab for scanned family history (FGCHM 2011.61.1).
Object name
Production date
Content object
Content activity
Group photograph
Content place
Spirella Factory
Associated organisations